Similarly to our theatre production, our workshops have broad scope. Once a year we organise carving workshops for puppet production for international participants.
We announce intuitive painting for adults and teenagers three times a year. We are interested in developing creativity and departing from the stereotypes that attach to normal employment in adults.
We also organise a digital art workshop called Finger on an iPad for children. The aim of the workshop is to inspire children to be creative using light, shadow and digital tools in combination with a shadow puppet.
In recent years, we have been focusing on lectures for children over 3 years and storytelling for children of all ages, as they concern environmental issues. We consider the protection of nature and the environment to be our most urgent task, nevertheless, or precisely because we work in the cultural field. Tailored workshops for schools and interest groups can be arranged at any time of the year. Get in touch with us at
How to visualize the invisible / Big and Small Worlds
16.11. from 10 to 17 at Ponec Prague, Art Centrum, Křenovka 22, Husitská 22, Prague 3
For students, artists, teenagers interested in theatre, digital art and connecting with scientists.
Please send applications in writing by email: (deadline: 30.10.2024)
The number of applicants is limited to 10 people.

Puppet head carving
In order for a puppet to arise, someone has to invent it.
And so we embark on an adventure with a small group of the brave to create a puppet. Or at least create a design and carve a head. It's an incredible amount of work and it takes commitment. We now have 3 days to cut the head. 1.7. - 3.7. We'll see where we get to. puppet head drawing
Bakaliko, NAD LÁVKOU 3, PRAHA 6

HUG THE ELEPHANT 2.10.2021, Bakaliko, Nad lávkou 3, Praha 6
Intuitive painting usually has a short overture: talking about a topic - this time about what it means to be quite unrealistic to wish to hug an elephant. Here in the middle of Europe today? What emotions it evokes in you. How to hug something that transcends you. It's not a real drawing of an elephant, it's about what's behind that wish. This time it should be something joyful - expecting some big turn for the better. It will be a game. Acrylic paints, prints, painting and repainting, engraving and wiping. The layers under which we see old deposits, which can always be overpainted. It depends a little on courage. Come and experience such a day in the company of other playful people.
Price: 2,000 All material included. Dress for work, acrylic paints cannot be washed after drying. Application to

Intuitive Painting
For all playful people who are interested in change and learning. For adults and teenagers.
Michaela Bartoňová shows how to rediscover the ability to create and paint. It is the ability that we sleep in and sometimes attracts you and you do not know how to start.
It is important to evoke the image - see it and then capture it with line and color. In addition, Michaela has developed a way to playfully start with the simplest shapes anyone can draw. Then the „vision“ is transferred to the canvas - more of a game than a copy, and then intuition and search are fully involved. Intuitive painting has a rhythm, it comes out of you without toil, quite naturally. Inspiration will be revealed in the opening narrative and in the discussion between the participants. This also creates a community of people who work alone but at the same time together. The theme changes with each workshop. Without saying anything, you will also learn something about yourself, as it is accompanied by your inner dialogue. And this is always an interesting and somewhat intimate experience.

For those interested
Upcoming workshop will happen 2nd of October from 10am to 6pm on the topic of "Hug the Elephant".
Location: Nad Lávkou 784/3, Praha 6
Price: 2 000,- CZK including materials and refreshments. Lunch is not included, but we usually eat together at the nearby restaurant U Kaštanu.
Register via email on
Storytelling: Wood Wide Web
Interactive storytelling about trees. Visual look into the nano world below the forest floor.
Michaela Bartoňová tells and paints about communication of trees, mushrooms and other organisms living in the forest.
While talking to the children, she draws them into the story. All together they finally paint on a giant paper, what they learned to anchor their knowledge. The narration method adapts to the age of the audience.
The all-day workshop for teenagers is connected with shadow play puppets, an underground world projection that children create by working on an iPad.

For schools and kindergartens - maximum number of about 24 children.
For festivals, theaters and libraries according to the conditions of the hall - by agreement.
For private groups of children from 3 years with parents. Minimum number: 8 children + parents.
For teenagers working on iPad - maximum 12 children. 4–6 hours with breaks.
Get in touch at
Contact Us
If you are interested in and enjoy non-traditional theatrical forms: visual, non-verbal, poetic, digital, playful or serious with live drawing on stage, please contact us at: