Visual, non-verbal, abstract and playful.
Artistic theater rendering of the latest scientific discoveries in nature. Animals, microorganisms, relationships and symbiosis.
In our shows you are offered drawing, digital art, music, movement and dance, puppets, masques and shadows combined on the stage. A picture starts moving and “tells” a visual story. We focus on poetic, actual and environmental topics and try to inspire viewers and contribute to education.
Big and Small Worlds
Microorganisms and the cosmos. Tiny and huge. Both hard to grasp. Our hero is a bacterium. It's amazing how something so small can have such a crucial impact on our existence. With the help of images and actions on stage, we can reveal the hidden beauty and complexity of bacterial life. Through artistic means and in cooperation with scientists, we touch on unknown knowledge from recent times, also revealed thanks to light microscopes and technologies in general. We also use digital art processing, drawing in motion on the iPad and AI.
For children from 9 years, teenagers and adults.
Supported by:


Public rehearsal
Studio Prám,, Čerpadlová 536/4, Vysočany, 190 00 Praha 9Show for schools
Schaubude, Greifswalder Straße 81—84, 10405 BerlinShow for schools
Schaubude, Greifswalder Straße 81—84, 10405 BerlinShow for schools
Schaubude, Greifswalder Straße 81—84, 10405 Berlin
Wood Wide Web
Artistic theatrical presentation of symbiotic relationships of trees and fungi in nature.
A dreamy look into the nano world below the forest floor.
Little Suzanne’s discovery of the invisible world of tree roots and fungi comes alive through visual theatre, with live painting, shadow play and music.
The forest is a cooperative system. Not only can plants share sugar and water with each other; they actually recognize their relatives, and support them selectively and directly.
Mother trees are central to this system. They live in symbiosis with the mushrooms, who act as their postmen, warehouse workers, and miners. They work together to maintain balance in forest. If we understand their social system—remarkably reminiscent of our internet—we can take better care of our forests.
This performance is intended to stimulate discussions between children and their families and schools. We found inspiration in a book by Peter Wohlleben—and in Suzanne Simard’s work.

No upcoming performances
This performance is available on demand for schools, kindergartens or other groups of children. In case of intereset, contact us at
Performed by: Michaela Bartoňová and Ralf Lücke
Written and directed by: Michaela Bartoňová and Mark Pitman
Music: Michal Kořán and Ralf Lücke
My Little Eye Pet
A drawn interactive performance on iPad with visual riddles for the youngest children from 3 years of age up. An original live drawing about everything that is born from an egg – butterflies, moths, turtles and snakes, mammals and fish and even fantasy animals.
Children love to watch live drawing and the inspiration serves as an impulse for them to create. And that is also our goal.
Touch iPad becomes a toy for the youngest ones and serves as an excellent educational tool that the children enjoy.
Suitable for families as well as for schools and pre-schools. Duration – 40 minutes.

No upcoming performances
Performed by: Michaela Bartoňová, Ralf Lücke
Written and directed by: Michaela Bartoňová, Azadeh Kangarani
To Somewhere Else
The performance has been loosely inspired by historical situation of 1737, a harsh journey of exiles from Moravia and Bohemia to Berlin – Rixdorf. We chose a form that feels natural to us – a visual emotional message with live music and two actors/dancers in front of a large screen with live drawing projected on to it in real time.
The performance was part of an opening of Czech-German Cultural Spring 2017 in Regions.

No upcoming performances.
Performed by: Michaela Bartoňová, Dagmar Spain, Ralf Lücke, Jan Šikl, Roman Zabelov
Written and directed by: Azadeh Kangarani, Michaela Bartoňová
Choreography: Dagmar Spain, Ralf Lücke
Music: Jan Šikl, Roman Zabelov
Drawing in Motion
Michaela Bartoňová makes magic happen on her iPad and consequently also on a large shining screen accompanied in unison with the sharp graphic movements of a shadow of Ralf Lücke, an actor and mime. He plays with projections on his body and holds a conversation with the picture. The technical abilities of iPad make universe, cave, city and creatures appear easily on the stage, then suddenly erased, deformed, and become a bizarre beauty. Nothing stays as it is.
Fascinated by visual riddles you remain glued to the story. It is just as in a dream but at the same time the relationship between men and animals is addressed.
For more information see the official Drawing in Motion website.

No upcoming performances.
Performed by: Michaela Bartoňová, Ralf Lücke
Written by: Michaela Bartoňová
Directed by: Mark Pitman
Choreography: Tereza Indráková
Music: Ralf Lücke
Forest Talk
Interactive lecture with live painting and discussion Actions during the project in the year: 2020 and 2021: 1.8., 15.8. a 30.8. 2020 Sklárna Tasice - Třikrát se pořádal workshop Řeči o lesek v rámci výstavy Michaela Bartoňové s živou malbou a za účasti lektorky PhDr. Moniky Cahové, molekulární bioložky, PhD. 13.8. a 1.9. ALTA Praha Představení s diskuzí. 11.a 12.9. Jsme se zúčastnily festivalu Festival for Future v divadle Grashupfer v Berlíně, DE
- 17.1. 2021 Schaubude Berlin on line Představení s diskuzí, DE
3.2. Greenpeace Praha Online diskuze Řeči o lese a Les jako Ekosystém, Praha
17.5. - 20.5. Hrádek, Spolek Slezský Hrádeček - Tři akce - škola a školka. 26.5. Jihočeská Galerie - pro pedagogy, Č. Budějovice 22.6..-25.6. Norimberg Salz und Pfeffer Představení a diskuze. 26.7. Příměstský tábor Jihočeská Galerie, Č. Budějovice 28.7. Pirátský tábor pro děti a rodiče, Ratmírov 2.8. Příměstský tábor Jihočeská Galerie, Č. Budějovice
- 17.1. 2021 Schaubude Berlin on line Představení s diskuzí, DE
3.2. Greenpeace Praha Online diskuze Řeči o lese a Les jako Ekosystém, Praha
- Zahradní kolonie Hainholz. Rodiče s dětmi, Hannover DE 15.8. Fahrradladen Viktoriapark, Berlin DE
If you are interested, contact us: We arrange dates individually. Summer camps, galleries ... open air events
Performing: Michaela Bartoňová, Ralf Lücke
Directing: Michaela Bartoňová, Ralf Lücke
Hudba: Ralf Lücke
Contact Us
If you are interested in and enjoy non-traditional theatrical forms: visual, non-verbal, poetic, digital, playful or serious with live drawing on stage, please contact us at: